2021年1月26日(火) Workshop during World Social Forum 2021 "PEOPLE’S PLAN FOR THE 21st CENTURY (PP21)"


Workshop during World Social Forum 2021
23-31 January 2021

“Global People’s Agenda 2030”
26 January 2021
at 2.30 pm (New Delhi), 2.45 pm (Kathmandu), 4 pm (Bangkok, Jakarta)
5 pm (Hong Kong, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore)
6 pm (Tokyo, Seoul), 8 pm (Sydney), 10 pm (Auckland),
9 am (GMT/UTC), 4 am (New York), 6 am (Porto Alegre)

PP21: A Journey

The People's Plan for the 21st Century (PP21) was inaugurated in 1989. In August that year, a coalition of Japanese people's movements and action groups hosted the First PP21 convergence comprising of 19 international workshops, conferences, and festivals, most of them held in the midst of communities, where 360 activists from Asia, Pacific and other continents met with thousands of Japanese activists and adopted the Minamata Declaration. Together with 17 regional organizations that co-convened the program, the participants agreed to make it a continuing process. The Second PP-21 convergence was held in Bangkok, Thailand in November-December 1992, with increased grassroots and international participation and adopted the Rajchadamnoen Pledge. Earlier, in August 1992, people's movement representatives from six Central American countries met in Managua together with Japanese PP21 groups under the aegis of the newly organized PP21 Central America, and issued the Managua Declaration. In March 1996, the Third PP21 convergence was held in Kathmandu, Nepal, which adopted the Sagarmatha Declaration.

PP21 was regarded as a vibrant social movement in the Asia Pacific of the 1990s. The movement inspired alliance building among grassroots sectors, social workers, intellectuals, political activists, peace and human rights advocates, and a broad spectrum of social concerned groups and movements both within the Asia Pacific and other continents. After the year 2000, the World Social Forum has taken up momentum at the global level in Porto Alegre moving forward the People's Agenda for Change. Another World is Possible! and two decades has passed.

Today, the world has changed to some extent but the main problems we were facing still remain and have become more sophisticated. Authoritarianism and totalitarianism still exist. Social and economic injustice as well as grave rights violations still continue. People's movements are still under suppression while we fight against the coronavirus pandemic. This is a call to progressive individuals, people’s organizations and networks at local, national, regional and global levels to join us in renewing our pledge to build the “Alliance of Hope” as the new “Global People’s Agenda 2030”. This is a “Call to Action” to join us to build “another world” of self-governance of the people (global autonomy) that manages social and economic systems in non-capitalist ways. If this is to be our perspective moving forward, it follows that the key to bringing a change of this nature is the ability of the peoples of the world to organize themselves for global democratic autonomy – politically and morally – forcing the capitalist power centres and capital markets to follow their rules, finally with a termination of capitalism.
We invite you to join us in this struggle……

Proposed Speakers: Muto Ichiyo, Surichai WunGaeo, Sushil Pyakurel, Victor Karunan, Lau Kin Chi
Respondents: Khin Omar, Nimalka Fernando, Robert Reid, Laddawan Tantivitayapitak, etc.
Moderator: Boonthan T. Verawongse
Inquiry: acfod.bangkok@gmail.com / bverawongse2@gmail.com / Ln.gardeners@Ln.edu.hk
Registration for webinar: https://lingnan.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_s5M8MnF1S3WPbOY98mAJSg

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